BRUME Body Mists Featured by VÉRO Magazine
BRUME Body Mists Featured by VÉRO Magazine
VÉRO Magazine, one of the top most read French-language magazine, has featured our new hyaluronic acid-formulated body moisturizing mists (in 2 versions: BRUME Refreshing Mist et BRUME Comforting Mist). In her article "The truth about beauty waters" in the spring 2022 issue, journalist Andréa Sirhan Daneau explores beauty waters and explains how to make the best choice. Among beauty waters, mists have a special role as they also moisturize your skin during the day, thanks, among other things, to their hyaluronic acid-based formulation. A wonderful choice for summer temperatures!
At FEY, we also offer tonic beauty waters: EAU VIVE (available in 3 versions: EAU VIVE Refreshing Toner, EAU VIVE Comforting Toner and EAU VIVE Gentle Toner).